FirstFleet Support

Zendesk Basic Training


Home Page

A. Click Add to create a new ticket or start a new search

B. This shows you your stats for the week

C. These are all the tickets currently assigned to you - newest tickets are at the top

D. Any updates to tickets you are assigned on are shown in this column 

*Warning: Please do not reply to a ticket from your email.  Reply from Zendesk so that you see the most recent updates to the ticket.



Your Views Page - How to view all your tickets

A. First Choose a View in column A (either your team's views or your personal views

B. All open Tickets in that group will be listed in this section of the screen - You can sort by any of the columns (subject, requester, assignee, group, priority, etc.)

C. Play will let you go through each ticket quickly and answer all open tickets

D. Click on a ticket to open it and answer it



Answering a Ticket in Zendesk

How to Assign Tickets

A. If a ticket hasn't been assigned, then please choose an Assignee in the left column.

B. CCs - Please only put people that need to be on the ticket in the CCs and please remove any unnecessary people from the ticket if needed.

C. Tags - Very Important - the more tags you use, the easier your tickets will be to search
- Please keep tags all lower case, simple, one word is best

D. Type - Most don't use this feature but if your team wishes to use it you can

E. Priority - This is very helpful and can be used to mark a ticket as very high priority

F. Next Action Date - When the next action date arrives, that ticket will jump to the top of your list for attention.  Very useful if you wish to do something with a ticket at a later date.

G. Assign Ticket to a Different Team - Once you finish with your portion of a ticket, if another department needs to work on this same ticket, you can send it on to the next team using this option.

H. Macros - If you have a standard response that you send out often, then you can create that response as a macro and quickly load it into a ticket for quick replying. 

I. Public Reply - Any response written here is seen by everyone on the ticket.  This reply can be seen by the requester (Andrea Presley above), and anyone that is CC'd on the ticket.

J. Internal Note - This note is only seen by anyone at FirstFleet with access to the ticket and also with access to zendesk (usually only people in your team, unless you share the ticket with another team)

K. Submit - After you have written your response, you have 5 options to submit that response


    New - Used for new tickets to show that no employee has begun working to answer that ticket

    Open - Used to show that you have replied and are currently working to solve this ticket

    Pending - Used to show that you are waiting on the requester to send you a reply/needed info

    On Hold - Used to show that you are waiting on a third party to send you a reply/needed info

    Solved - Used to mark this ticket as complete - it will leave your to do list once marked as solved


Zendesk vs. Email

Your zendesk tickets will also appear in your email.  Please don't answer them from email. Open and reply from Zendesk so that you see all the most recent updates to the ticket.


Searching for a Ticket

1. Begin a search by clicking the Add button in the top left


2. Set up the search filters on the right in the drop down menu


*This is where your team tagging will come in handy.  If you tag based on a customer or any other way you want to search, it will help 

3. Here is a demo of a search

a. I used the workday tag and then did a keyword search in the subject line. 

b. I can see all the results of this search in the section below.  This shows me every ticket tagged as Workday that also mentions I-9 in the subject line of the email.


For additional searching tips, click here.


*Make sure you: Take a Ticket to assign it to yourself.  Do not leave tickets in the open team queue.

**Search Tip - You can search by subject line, email address, or tags.

***You can mass assign tickets to each other and mass respond to tickets as well.

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