FirstFleet Support

Working Outside Office

When working remotely, there will be a few adjustments to your normal daily workflow.

Office Phone

Just because you are working outside of your office doesn't mean you are unable to take calls from your office phone.  All you need is the 8x8 app on your smartphone and you will be able to quickly place and receive work calls, as well as easily call contacts in our network. For additional information please review the 8x8 link below. 

8x8 Guide 

Accessing TMW

TS Connect - no Duo/VPN required. It is available from outside the network, but you must have the appropriate permissions to use this tool. Based on your job description permissions should be provisioned by default. If you are connected to the internet, you should be able to use TS Connect or launch the applications directly from your Start Menu.  If you need assistance, please reach out to us at for prompt care.

Laptop Needs Internet

Every company phone supports the HotSpot feature to share internet via wifi. Please access the link below for details of how to use your company phone to provide your laptop with internet access.

Sharing Internet via HotSpot

Accessing Mapped Drives

There are several programs at FirstFleet that require a secured connection in order to use them.  If you do not have access to TS Connect, you will need to connect to the FirstFleet VPN and properly setup Duo Multifactor Authentication in order to access the Mapped Drives from your laptop directly. If you are unable to access the necessary tools using TS Connect, please review the documentation below or reach out to for assistance.

How to Connect to the VPN

Duo Guide

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