FirstFleet Support

Attend UberConference Meeting

Audio Only Conference (2a)

ScreenSharing Conference (2b)

Video Conference (2c)

1. On Your Computer, open your email and find the invite.

2a. Audio Only Conference - Dial phone number listed in email (red box)

Congrats!  You are in the Conference!

2b. ScreenSharing Conference - Click blue Join the Call button



3. Once the webpage opens on your computer, choose Join by Phone

4. Either dial in (red box) or let them Call you (optional - orange box)

5. Click Join to View ScreenShare so that you can see the Host's screen Screen_Shot_2020-03-24_at_10.04.30_AM_copy.png

2c. Video Conference - Click blue Join the Call button


3. Once the webpage opens on your computer, choose Join by Desktop

4. Enable your laptop's microphone and camera and join the meeting

That's it!  Enjoy your conference!

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