When working with WestRock and importing your upcoming loads, it is important that you follow these steps to properly save all the load information that you need.
Step 1: Open the Google spreadsheet and find your worksheet
Step 2: Click on the A5 box that has your Status header
Step 3: Hold down the shift key and click on the last box in the last row that includes the shipments that you want. Don't copy any empty rows past the last shipment. Your selection will be highlighted with a blue box.
Step 4: Copy that data by either right-clicking and selecting copy or hitting the Control and C keys
Step 5: Open your excel spreadsheet template on your computer and select the first box (A1). Then right-click and select paste or hit the Control and V keys
Step 6: Change the Status Column cells to show the bill-to code that they want the order created for.
The valid bill-to codes are WESFOR, WAGGRA01, WESMON, WESMES01, & WESHOU.
Step 7: Save this new document with today's date and then once you are sure everything is correct, drag and drop the file into the Texas folder on your desktop that sends that information into a Share drive on our network where it will be automatically processed.
*** Make sure that you do not edit the document from this folder!!! Only edit the loads in the version saved on your computer and then drag the new version into the Texas folder!
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