FirstFleet Support

Using the CarbonCopy ImageLoader Printer

The CarbonCopy ImageLoader printer is a logical printer that can be installed on your workstation to allow printing documents directly into the CarbonCopy system. The basic concept behind the application is to reduce the amount of time required to post an electronic document to the system by removing the physical printing process totally.  Here are the steps to get this process completed.

  1. Contact and ask to have the CarbonCopy print driver installed on your workstation.
  2. The installation file is found in this path \\firstfleet\data\Shared\Departments\Information Technology\Public Read\Software\FFIT\CarbonCopy Print Driver\CarbonCopyPrinterSetup.exe
  3. The Help Desk will need to install this for you because installing it requires administrative rights on the machine. (Technician Note: It may be necessary to add \ccImageLoader\Temp to the %User%\Local Settings\Temp path for proper functionality)
  4. Once the printer is installed you will simply select the CarbonCopy printer from any application that supports printing. The screenshot below is from Outlook and is provided only as an example.

5. If this is your first time running the application you will be prompted to enter your CarbonCopy credentials and the Settings box will open.

6. Enter your username and password and press "Save"

7. If you are prompted to select a document queue click the settings tab to select the queue you wish to print into. Don't get too concerned with the queue you are printing to as Queues are really only used to index images. This application will post the image to CarbonCopy in a Live Index status and as such the queue should never come into play.

8. Close the settings window and you will now be looking at the main application. This is how the application will open from now on unless you have to access the settings to change your password via File -> Settings.

9. You will notice a few things here. You will need to select an entry for Document Type in the drop down list. You will also notice there is a thumbnail of the first page in the document to the right. If you click this image the entire document will load for review.

10. When you select a document type the attribute types list will enable with the appropriate types for you to select.

11. Select the appropriate type and then use the box below it and the "Add" button or the "Enter" button to add the attributes. You will notice the grid below the attribute value box will populate with the attribute value you entered along with any related attribute values that were found. If you wish to remove any one value just click the red X image in the grid.

12. The image is not in Live Status until you press the "Print" button in the bottom right portion of the screen. If you press Cancel or close the window the image is DELETED from CarbonCopy immediately and the entire action is cancelled.

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