FirstFleet Support

Managing Fuel Cards in TMW Operations

Generally speaking Fuel Card assignment is handled from the FirstFleet Mobile app using the Card Management feature. That feature is discussed in full at this article. On occasion there will be issues which cannot be properly managed through the app and must be reconciled through the TMW Screens located inside TMW Operations. 

If you do not have access to TMW Operations please open a support ticket by emailing and asking for TMW Operations access for Fuel Card Management purposes. A team member will be happy to assist you with this request.

To manage fuel cards using TMW Operations there are a few steps. We will start with the most common which is assigning cards to employees. You will locate the proper window by following the menu Operations -> Fuel Maintenance -> Card Maintenance.

Note: Please avoid the other menu options as manipulation of these other items may have unexpected and potentially dangerous consequences.

When the window opens you will see a drop down menu that gives you options on how to locate the card or driver you are working with. Depending on the scenario you may need to locate a driver to determine what cards are assigned to the employee or if you have a card number you can look up the card to see the inverse (what driver is assigned to that card).

Lookup by Driver ID
Lets start by locating a DRIVER ID. Here you see that Driver is selected in the drop down list and FARM is entered into the field. Use great care to select the proper driver in this form, when the proper driver is selected hit ENTER and the card details will populate.

You will notice there are two tabs at the bottom. If you do not see the TCH tab then your account has not been properly provisioned. There is a process called Security Cards which must be accomplished with your account setup to enable you to access EFS online tools from inside TMW. If you see the TCH tab you are ready to proceed. 

You will notice below the pertinent information is that the card status is ACTIVE and the driver is assigned. To use a card these are the ONLY required fields. Please do not map a tractor number or any of the other settings in this screen. 

If you need to make adjustments here you can change the values as needed and click the Disk icon to save the record. If your account is not properly provisioned to see the TCH tab the changes will not process because your account must be able to send the update to EFS at the same time. 

The TCH tab should be avoided and should not ever be needed. This tab controls card specific settings which are controlled by our account setup with regard to limits and options. Again - the absence of this tab means there is something wrong with your account setup - you should pause and email without taking further action.

Lookup by Card Number
Occasionally you may with to lookup a card directly. This task is simple - just change the drop down to card # and enter any portion of the card number - usually the last 5 will suffice. Once you enter the card number hit ENTER.

Now you can make adjustments to the card setup directly, including assigning a new driver and changing the card status. This is how you will manage a card assignment if a process fails for the manager using the mobile application. 

Note: Remember to click the Save (Disk) Icon to process your changes.

Importing New Cards from EFS
When new cards are ordered from EFS for inventory they must be added to TMW through the import process. Once EFS confirms that new cards have been assigned to our FirstFleet account follow these steps to import the cards and their setup into our database. 

Note: This process can be a bit slow - so watch the progress bar and be patient.

Setting up Security Cards
Security Cards are used to map a TMW Operations user to a Web Service user at EFS. This process is what will allow the TCH tab to appear and this is part of the account setup. If you need to setup new security cards you will find the option under Operations -> Fuel Maintenance -> Security Cards.

Notice there is an option to Add & Remove Cards. These options will create or remove rows from the table. This is where you will map the TMW User Account to the WebService user account (eManager) account that you wish them to execute. Note: All users can be mapped to one eManager account or you can do one to one mapping. If you do one to one mapping you will keep history all the way through of who processed the changes on the eManager platform. 

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