FirstFleet Support

Get Started With A New iPhone

Congratulations on your new FirstFleet cell phone.  Please use this guide to get started. 

What You Need: 

Before getting started, make sure you have your Apple ID email address and password with you.


If you do not have an Apple ID, please click here to help set that up: 


***You can NOT use a FirstFleet email address for your Apple ID***

Merging Data from one iPhone to Another

If you have an existing iPhone, then moving your data to your new iPhone will be simple.  Just follow the steps on your new iPhone and have your old iPhone beside it with Bluetooth turned on. 

Setting up a Fresh Install of an iPhone

If you do not have a current iPhone or have never had an iPhone, you can also follow the steps on your new phone and in the video above to get set up.

If you are needing to set up the Microsoft Authenticator, below is the how to  



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