Many users like to define Outlook rules to perform actions on messages typically for organization. These rules can do things like auomatically file messages by moving them to a folder or perhaps delete a message that is recurring that you do not care to read. These rules are usually very helpful in managing large inboxes but can become a bit of a problem if you change the structure of your personal or mailbox folders and you have rules pointing to these moved or removed folders.
A common symptom of this is the screenshot below.
The error reads that "Unable to find the destination folder." This indicates that the target folder of the rule no longer exists. You may see errors that are similar to this in regards to rules but not specifically the exact message above. To resolve these issues please take the following actions.
Select Tools -> Rules and Alerts
In the box that opens look through your rules and locate the rule that is attemping to move a message to the removed folder and either correct the destination folder name or delete the rule.
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