FirstFleet Support

How to wipe an iPhone.

  1. After you successfully login to OWA, click on the Options button in the top right.
  2. Now click on the Mobile Devices option in the left-hand menu.
  3. You should now see your iPhone or iPod touch device listed. Click the radio button next to your device and the click Wipe All Data from Device…
  4. You will get a confirmation dialog to confirm you really want to do this. After you confirm, the Status will change to Pending Wipe.
  5. The next time your iPhone/iPod touch has an internet connection and checks in with Exchange, a secure wipe is initiated. This is what the screen looks like to the user.
  6. After the wipe has been started, the status for the device in OWA will change to Wipe Successfuland you can remove the device from the list.
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