CAT Scales has a simple and easy to use app called Weigh My Truck. Using this app allows you greatly reduce the time required for weighing your truck. If you would like to make use of this feature and have your account automatically tied to your FirstFleet EFS card for payment you just need to take the following steps.
1. Register CAT at this link.
2. Download Weight My Truck App.
3. Open the Weigh My Truck App and Sign In.
By using the CAT Weigh My Truck App with your EFS card FirstFleet will automatically get copies of the receipt images that we will process and store. If you would like a printed copy of the receipt you can always go into the scale house and get if from the Scale Master.
Summary Video
Written Instructions
CAT and EFS have prepared a document which takes you through the process step by step. If you wish to review this document you will find it here.

Once you have gone through the setup of the Weigh My Truck App you will be able to follow the on screen prompts to select your scale, enter required information, process payment and ultimately get an emailed copy of your scale receipt.

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