Our partner EFS has an online tool for managing everything from fuel cards to money codes. In order to access this tool you will need a username and password. These accounts are designated to individuals with the job requirements of accessing the back end configuration of EFS and as such is limited in scope.
If you believe you should have an EFS eManager account you are encouraged to reach out to support@firstfleetinc.com for assistance. If you already have your account and are looking for training you came to the right place. This resource is designed to get you headed in the right direction quickly with the training modules below.
Mobile App Card Management
All Fleet Managers, Regional Managers and OnBoarding Team members have access to manage fuel cards using the FirstFleet mobile app. If you are looking for how to assign and manager the fuel cards assigned to your personal drivers you are encouraged to review the documentation on this link.
eManager Video Training
- Logging into eManager - The site is https://www.efsllc.com
- Assigning a Card to a Driver - Note: You should use the mobile app or TMW Operations screens to assign cards. Using eManager directly is a backup plan only.
- Transfer Inactive Card to New Driver
- Advancing Cash on a Driver Card
- Managing Policy Prompts @ Pump
- Managing Policy Limits, Rejections and Overrides
- Managing Reporting
- Manage Info Pool Validation - Truck Numbers - Note: Normally this is managed by an automated IT process that delivers unit numbers to EFS. So in theory this should not be needed but you may use it to validate if a unit number is valid on the EFS side.
eManager Basic Training Steps
Log into EFSLLC.com at this link.
Enter your User ID and Password on this page.
Enter your personal 4-6 digit code that you select to log in with as security each time.
Click on Submit once complete.
Once per week, you will be directed to a screen where you must enter a Token code that will be emailed to you. This will be a 6-digit code that will be entered on the following screen.
Once on the home page, you will go to Select Program to pull down the Menu options – Manage Cards, then Click on View/Update Cards.
On the next screen, you can select from the criteria below to find the card/driver/unit in question. Most of the time we select the Driver ID provided by the driver or manager.
Enter the information you have, which is Driver ID in this example and click Look Up Cards.
The next screen will show you the summary of the data you selected. If it was one card, you will have a link to click on that one card. If the data provided, returned multiple cards, you will need to select the one you need to see.
Example shows one card.
Click on the card # to show more details on the card.
From this screen, you can click on the links at the top to see the most current transaction, all of the transactions on the card, as well as all of the Rejections.
If a driver is claiming the card is being rejected at a truck stop, click on Rejections to see the details if the card was rejected in the past.
There will be a rare circumstance when a driver needs an override on a card for a driver to complete a specific type of transaction.
On the card screen, click on the Override icon.
EFS allows up to 9 overrides at one time. FirstFleet prefers only do 1 override at a time, unless absolutely necessary.
You will want to open up the card to All Locations, not just the stops opened on our network.
For most overrides, we will select the Product/Limit Override, as shown above.
Since Product/Limit override was selected, you will then select the appropriate EFS product code on the next screen.
All EFS products are shown, and you will need to select the one for a specific override.
If a driver needs more gallons in a day, then select ULSD for diesel fuel.
Then click Next.
For ULSD, enter the gallons you want to add for the card. Some products will be gallons or $$. You will need to use the proper code.
Click Complete Override to move forward.
EFS provides the details of the override on the Card screen.
You will see the Remove Override icon. Once the driver has used the Override option, that will be removed. However if the driver does not use the Override, we need to click on the Remove Override to delete that option on this card. ** This is important to monitor, so the Override is not left open for a long period of time.
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