FirstFleet Support

Attaching Photos to Accident

All injuries and accidents are to be immediately reported to our 24x7 SERVE Center by calling 615-800-7899. Once an incident is opened with the SERVE team, it will be listed in the mobile app for you to attach images of the accident. Below you will see step by step instructions to using the mobile app to upload photos.

Step 1
Start by locating the Report Accident option in the menu of the app.

Step 2
Once the Report Accident function opens you will see a big red button. Tapping this button will give you the option to call the Portland, TN office directly. If you have already reported the incident you will see it listed on the bottom part of the page. If you do not see the reported incident use your finger to pull down on the screen to refresh. 

Step 3
The next step is to attach photos to the incident for review. You will do this by tapping the paperclip icon next to the Active incident. Once you tap this paperclip icon you will be able to choose between the option of taking a photo or attaching a previously taken photo from your library. 

Step 4 
Next you will need to select the photos from your library (if already taken) or take photos of the accident and area around the accident. As you take or select the photos you will be given the opportunity to review the selected photo where you can Cancel or Upload. Once the image uploads you will be given a confirmation of success on the screen. Each photo you upload will be attached to the incident and distributed to the proper team members within minutes.


Thank you for your help with this process which enables to us better gauge the situation and take proper actions to ensure the fastest care for all involved. Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance at


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