FirstFleet Support

Scanning Employee Documents

When onboarding new employees and providing for ongoing maintenance of employee documents like CDL, medical cards, etc the process of scanning documents can be a time consuming task. In effort to streamline that process we have enabled a feature in the mobile app that will allow you to acquire these images directly in the app. The video below will give you a quick tutorial on how this process works.  Scroll down to see the written instructions.

Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us at for assistance.

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Written Instructions

  • Open the scanner in your FirstFleet mobile app
  • Tap the green Upload button


  • For this illustration, we will select CDL


  • Type the driver code of the employee you are updating
  • Take a photo of the license
  • Add the additional information requested and tap upload photo to finish uploading documents
  • You can tap on a previously uploaded document to review it later


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