FirstFleet Support

Tote & Commodity Tracking

With some customers we track the return of certain types of freight in returning trailers. These are things like grocery totes, dunnage and other items which need to be returned to distribution centers. In order to facilitate this process we have a simple process that allows drivers to indicate that good are being returned in the trailer and a baseline quantity. We call this process Tote & Commodity Tracking. 

The first step in the process is to engage so that we can properly understand how you wish this process to work and understand how your customers will be consuming the information. 

Website Visibility
The customer / operations team has access to the information on a page called Peyton's Kroger Inbound Tote Board.

This tool is presently located at the following URL:

The page has a selection of parameters needed to control what items are displayed to the customer. Make the proper selections and click Run to view information. 

On the column named Order you can click to track any of the items for better visibility.

Mobile Visibility
This information is also accessible to properly provisioned users in the mobile app under Tote Board. 

Driver Process
The way this process works from a driver perspective is that using Form 4 (Change Trailer) or Form 6 (End Order) the driver has the option to supply the commodity information. On both forms you will see a section for Inbound Goods. Select from the drop down list to record the information on the order number. 

Systemic Operation
Functionally what this does is create a reference number that conforms to a given pattern which is used in the database queries supporting the web and mobile app views.



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