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How to Create a Signature in Outlook

This guide will show you how to create a signature in Outlook.


Open a new email and click on Signature.


1. Start by opening a new email and clicking on "Signature".

2. Click on "Signatures...".


Create a new Signature.


Click on "New" to create a new signature.


Name your signature.


1. Name your signature.

2. Click "OK".


Create the Signature.


1. Highlight the signature you want to edit.

2. Enter the text you want to show up in your signature.

3. Click the picture button if you want to add an image, such as the server logo.


4. Click the dropdown menu next to "New messages:" to select a signature to show up on all new emails.

5. Click the dropdown menu next to "Replies/forwards:" to set signature for replies/forwards. If you don't want to insert a signature on your replies/forwards, you can select "(none)".

6. Click "OK" to complete.

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