FirstFleet Support

Uploading ID Card Photos


This document is designed to describe the standard operating procedure for the acquisition of employee photos in regards to the identification card printing process.  The fleet responsibility in this process is essentially to take the photograph and upload it on the portal linking it to the employee.  The Human Resource team will take over from this point and return to the fleet the printed card.

Acquiring the Photograph
Each fleet should be equipped with a digital camera. It is assumed that you are comfortable using this camera and extracting the images from it. If you need assistance operating the camera please contact for a short tutorial.

Points to Remember

  • When you take the photo please ensure the background is something that is a solid color and if possible not white because the background of the card will be white and the photo will not stand out as desired.
  • If possible ensure the employee is in proper uniform.
  • Please take the photo from a distance of less than 5' from your subject.
  • Make sure the photo is taken in a landscape layout (left to right not up and down).
  • Ensure the bottom of the photo includes at least the upper chest of the subject and that the top of their head is within the bounds of the photo.
  • If possible you may wish to contact IT at to determine the steps needed to turn the resolution of your camera down. Turning down the resolution of your camera will speed the process of uploading the photos on the portal.
  • It is also possible for IT to install a program on your computer called the "Image Resizer" which will allow you to resize photos on your computer with ease and greatly speed the upload process.

Transferring the Photograph
The process of transferring the image to the corporate office is accomplished by logging into the portal and navigating to the Human Resources page.  At the top under "Applications" you will find a link which reads "ID Card Photo Upload."


Click the link to activate the page which will allow you to upload the images to Human Resources. Once the page comes up you should see something similar to the example below. 


  1. Select from the location drop down list the home location for the employee record in question.
  2. Changing the location will cause the list of employee codes to repopulate with codes for your specific facility.
  3. Select from the employee code list the employee you wish to upload the image for.
    1. If there is not presently an active code for the employee you will need to email the photo with the new hire packet to the Recruiting team.
  4. Click Browse to locate the image on your computer.
  5. Press Upload to send the image to Human Resources.


ID Distribution
After uploading the image for your employees you can expect the badge to arrive in your next weekly corporate mailing.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the ID card please contact your Human Resources representative.
Employee Badge Compliance
Your office will be provided with two display options for the ID badge, a neck lanyard and a pocket clip.  Every driver is required to display the badge as part of their uniform while on duty. If you need additional pocket clips and/or neck lanyards please contact your Recruiting representative for additional pieces. If you need an additional card to replace a lost or stolen card please simply upload a new photo for the employee.

Damaged Badges
If an employee badge becomes lost and or damaged please send an email to your Recruiting representative. A reprinted badge will be created and delivered with your next weekly mailing. 

With growing concerns over security and identification FirstFleet, Inc. has elected to assign identification badges to its employees.  The identification badge affords us a familiar way of identifying and recognizing employees.  Additionally it gives our customers a greater level of comfort with our workforce moving in and out of their facilities.  Thank you in advance for your compliance in this manner.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact your local Fleet or Regional Operations Manager.

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